Detachers - Releases hard tags with lock: - Standard

Magnetic and mechanical or electrical detachers of hard tags are used to remove reusable plastic hard tags from the goods or to open security safers after payment of the goods by the customer at the cash register.

We sell detachers only to proven clients.
Magnetic hard tag detachers are only supplied as part of the antishoplifting security system.
The buyer is obliged to ensure that the magnetic detachers are always mounted to the cash desk so that they cannot be stolen.
At the request of the seller, the buyer is obliged to sign a statement on the use and location of the detacher and provide photo documentation of the detacher location (see also General Terms and Conditions) We reserve the right to cancel the detacher order without giving a reason.

Custom production

Custom production

In addition to mass-produced components, we are also able to produce custom components for your project.